Ring in the Year of the Snake during our annual Lunar New Year celebration!
Funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance
Become immersed in Houston’s diverse Asian heritage and ring in the Lunar New Year. Enjoy a day of performances and inspired activities celebrating the Year of the Snake.
APAHA Ed (Asian Pacific American Heritage Association): Join our friends from APAHA Ed for some red envelope giveaways, origami station, craft table and helpful information!
When: From 10 am to 1: 30 pm in Kid’s Hall
Year of the Snake: Live Snake Talks: Join us for some fun presentations with live snakes and some photo-ops after!
When: At 10 and 11:30 am in Brown Auditorium
My Hula Hut: Dive into a whirlwind of tropical fun with electrifying traditional Polynesian dances!
When: At Noon in Brown Auditorium
Snakes Takeover Science Station!: Meet and learn about some friendly snakes in honor of the Year of the Snake!
When: From 12:30 to 2 pm in Science Station
Soaring Phoenix Lion Dance: See lions move, shake and jump to the beat of the drums to welcome good fortune.
11 am down Kid’s Hall
1 pm finale outside in Playscape
Dance of Asian America: Embark on a journey through Asia’s rich history in a breathtaking performance!
When: At 2 pm in Brown Auditorium
Chinese Character Banner: Celebrate the Year of the Snake when you create your own lucky banner to display all year long.
When: All Day in Kids’ Hall
Dragon Puppet: Celebrate Lunar New Year with your own homemade dragon puppet.
When: All Day in Kids’ Hall
Pattern Snakes: Use beads and pipe cleaners to learn about patterns at Math Lab!
When: All Day in Adventure Hall
Static Snakes: Create your own static snake using the principles of static electricity to make it jump!
When: All Day in Science Station