A first of its kind organization, Casa Cultural de las Americas (CCA), a 501 (c)(3) organization, seeks to preserve and foster the diverse culture and arts of the Americas within the United States.
Our dream
Casa Cultural de las Americas (CCA), is an organization whose main purpose is to preserve and promote the cultural diversity of the Americas in the United States and Europe. It emerged in 2012 as an initiative of Dr. Elizabeth Quila and a group of Hispanic Americans interested in promoting the cultural arts of their heritage. With this project, we found a niche that presented the cultural plurality of Latin America in the context of an English-speaking country.
One of the organization’s main objectives was to become a platform that would showcase the cultural richness of the Americas, with a primary focus on presenting contemporary literature written in Spanish to audiences in the Houston, Texas, other U.S. cities, and later Europe.
To achieve these objectives, a diverse group of volunteers was formed that included people from both Latin American and the U.S. Through lectures, workshops, awarding scholarships, and writing competitions, in addition to the institutionalized International Literature Festival, the select group continues with its mission to promote cultural arts.
As a non-profit 501 (c) (3) File Number C.C.A. 46-2586071, the activities of the association are financed through sponsorships and donations, which are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our experiences
Exhibition of Ibero-American art by painters Seram Sousa and Rafael Urdaneta
Letters and Images of the Americas Readings of Classic and Contemporary Women’s Literature
How to be Successful in the Americas (cross-cultural awareness) Workshop
Letters and Images of the Americas 1
Letters and Images of the Americas 2
Cross-Cultural Dining Etiquette Seminar
Theater as a Life Journey Workshop
International Film Showcase
Career Boost Workshop for Students
Female Emotional Intelligence Workshop
International Literature Festival, Houston 2013 featuring Armando Romero. Mario Bojorquez, Miguel Angel Zapata, Eduardo Espina, Omar Lara, Mercedes Roffe, Lucila Nogueira, Luis Carlos Musso and Arturo Gutierrez
International Film Festival
International Literature Festival, Houston 2014 Hugo Mujica, Federico DÃaz Granados, Raúl Pérez Torres, Iván Oñate, Gisela Heffes, Eduardo Langagne, Javier Guerrero, EddaArmas, Rose Mary Salum, among others.
International Film Festival, Houston 2015 featuring Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Aldabazal, Ali Calderon, Gabriel Cisneros, Madeline Millan, Andrea Cote Botero, EfraÃn Kristal, among others.
International Literature Festival, Houston 2016 featuring Jorge Galán, JotamarioAberlaez, Luis Garcia Montero, Ron Leshem, Leopoldo Castilla, Robin Davidson, Fernando Valverde, Xavier Oquendo, Javier Bozalongo and Margarita Laso
International Literature Festival, Houston 2017 featuring Matilde Casazola,Diana Bellessi, Ida Vitale, Soledad Bravo, Siomara Spain, Ana Cecilia Blum, Andrea Cote, Jeannette Clariond, Veronica Aranda, Maria Cardenas and Debora Mouton
International Literature Festival, Madrid 2017, Fifth Anniversary, in partnership with Casa de America featuring Antonio Gamoneda, Hugo Mujica, Matilde Casazola, Juan Carlos Marset, Juan Carlos Mestre, Jorge Galan, Raquel Lanseros, Marco Antonio Campos, Antonio Cilloniz and Ivan Onate