Fresh Beginnings Ministries Inc. is an organization which exists to assist and serve people experiencing homelessness and near homelessness.
We provide food, training of mentors, and personal supportive care to an underserved community.
We believe in our abilities to change lives for the better. We’re an all-inclusive organization.
This is to say, we don’t turn away anyone who may need our help or those who just want to take part in all we offer.
We are a public benefit nonprofit corporation with access to various resources for assistance to people in need.
IRS 501 (c)(3) 46-5153625
We don’t require that you belong to any particular religious affiliation or financially support our organization in any way.
We only ask that you return one good deed with another and perform an act of kindness to another.
In this way, the cycle of compassion and goodwill continues indefinitely.