Monarch Chamber Players: A Glimpse Beyond Pink

Lambert Hall 1703 Heights Blvd, Houston, TX, United States

Join Monarch Chamber Players for a special concert at Lambert Hall in honor of Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) Awareness Day. The program offers a small glimpse into the complex world of MBC patients through music that highlights life's complexity, solace in nature, and the necessity of community. Cynthia, a commission by Nicky Sohn inspired by […]


Redefine or Redesign

Lambert Hall 1703 Heights Blvd, Houston, TX, United States

In Redefine or Redesign, presented in partnership and gratitude with our season host the Houston Saengerbund, listeners will join the Axiom Quartet on a scavenger hunt through the 300-year saga of the German string quartet. Interspersed between candid conversations and historical connective tissue, Axiom will perform movements from Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahms, and Schoenberg […]


A Voice in the Wilderness

Lambert Hall 1703 Heights Blvd, Houston, TX, United States

Join the Axiom Quartet and University of Houston professor Howard Pollack (author of award-winning biographies of George Gershwin, Aaron Copland, and Samuel Barber) for A Voice in the Wilderness, a lecture-performance exploring the life and work of the important Swiss-American composer Ernest Bloch (1880-1959). Best remembered today for his masterpiece for cello and orchestra, Schelomo, […]
